“Society changes, and things fall apart” – Rebecca Hagelin

In Australia Today there was an anti-gay marriage rally held. One key speaker was Rebecca Hagelin. In my opinion she provided the perfect example of ignorance to a topic based on fervour and passion, but not facts. And I actually find that to be frightening.

According to conservative American commentator Rebecca Hagelin the “forces of darkness” are trying to destroy marriage. There will be the unravelling of civil society if gay marriage is legally recognised, something that society cannot recover from.

This sounds so over the top, but I’m not making this up. Listen to these two interviews.

More articles on the rally, here, here and here.

By Rebecca Hagelin’s logic apparently “God’s design of marriage is perfect” since the beginning of time, and any change undermines and threatens to destroy marriage.

Let’s have a quick list of the changes to the tradition of marriage through history from its simple beginnings; Read the rest of this entry »