Highlight Fridays: Gay Marriage Rights in Australia – Facebook page

So I’ve been thinking on how to work this blog, and one idea is to post my main article once or twice a week, and on odd days posting an interesting article that I’ve come across. Today I thought I’d highlight a group/website on the current topic I’m covering.

So I’d be amiss not to start first with such a resourced group on Facebook, with over 100,000 people, Gay Marriage Rights in Australia keeps growing. If I’ve missed an article when going through the news media, I know that this group will catch it and post it. They’ve become one of my unofficial favourite media watchdogs with posts that pop up about fascinating stories of the day, loudly but politely arguing for equality.

Gay Marriage Rights in Australia – Facebook page

“A lobby group searching and lobbying for equal rights for lesbians, gays, bi’s, transgenders, intersexed and other queer identifying communities. We’re especially fighting for equal marriage rights.”

Check them out and “like” them if you enjoy daily updates media commentary on same-sex marriage. Also doesn’t hurt to support them if you believe in the cause or would like to hear what the one side is saying.