Who Said That?!

Quotes of the last week on same-sex marriages; interesting to read and I’ve thrown a couple in from the opposite side; links to the articles for who said what:

“This conference calls upon the ALP National Conference to amend the platform to support the legal right of all adult couples in Australia to be married if the they so choose, and for that marriage to be registered by law in Australia, regardless of the sexual orientation, or gender of the parties to the marriage.

This conference acknowledges that civil unions of same-sex couples do not deliver the same legal security and social recognition as marriage, and believes that schemes that are separate from marriage makes the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and the intersex community second-class citizens.”

“Any organisation or person that wants to protect the definition of marriage and the very important concepts of motherhood and fatherhood it represents for children, is automatically demonised by these people as being bigoted or homophobic”

“We continue to see the tyranny of the minority influencing the national agenda.”

“How on earth can a government, which is bound to always act in the best interest of children, give a ward of the State over to two men or two women when that child has no choice?”

“middle Australia wants a return to “basic moral values like honesty and hard work and putting families first”.”

“I have a dream that we won’t be here (in future) saying `gays’ and `straights’, but that at the next state conference we’ll just be saying `human beings‘.”

“I was so nervous. I couldn’t have done it (given that speech) two years ago, but now I couldn’t have not done it – for my son.”

“This is the second time Tasmanian Labor has endorsed marriage equality which highlights just how out-of-step Julia Gillard is with Labor rank and file,”

“All state and territory branches of the ALP have passed similar motions, except New South Wales, which referred the issue to the party’s national conference.”

“The important thing is for someone in my position is to consult with your community … and to listen carefully and also to have regard to the number of views on either side but also to take into account the intensity of them,”

Recent surveys by Liberal MPs like Joe Hockey, Teresa Gambaro and Turnbull, of their own constituents, has shown support for full marriage equality above 70 per cent.

‘‘Same sex marriage is not about gay versus straight, conservative versus progressive, left versus right, it is about social justice, equality for individuals, the recognition and protection of fundamental political and civil rights,’’

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